Oooh yes. I can relate to this article. Yes, yes, yes.

As a freelancer, I always have a clean house before I absolutely must write. From my years in publishing, I confirm it was a common joke that the editor-in-chief’s “desk” or magazine editorial opener would have a deadline every month that was on the calendar, but the column wouldn’t appear until five minutes before the issue was sent to the printer. 🙂

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Jennifer Keishin Armstrong

procrastinationA huge portion of my “writing process” is procrastinating. If I have something really big due, I basically have to build in time to put it off. I clean, I organize, I work on other stuff that isn’t as pressing. Then, finally, when I absolutely must, and/or when I have run out of all other things to do, I write.

This is bizarre behavior. But it is not uncommon among writers.

Megan McArdle wrote a piece for The Atlantic showing how common this is among professional writers. Though she theorizes that it’s a fear of failure that drives us to procrastinate, which doesn’t totally ring true to me. That’s never really been a thing for me. I have plenty of hangups, but that’s just not one of them. In fact, my 20s are a testament to my willingness to wallow in failure.

I don’t think there’s a concrete explanation beyond…

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